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New Testament

All descriptions in this subcategory are direct citations or paraphrases of the publishers' sites.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament

WUNT I is an international monograph series which deals with the entire field of early Christianity and its Jewish and Graeco-Roman environment. Martin Hengel, who was the editor of the series for many years, had a formative impact on its historical and philological image, and its focus on interdisciplinary subjects has been maintained by an international team of editors. The sole criteria for the acceptance of manuscripts are the scholarly quality and the enduring merit of the works. In addition to specialized monographs written by experienced researchers, some of which are habilitations, volumes of essays by renowned scholars as well as conference volumes on central subjects in a specific field are also published in this series.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2

WUNT II, WUNT I I's little "sister," is a series in which outstanding dissertations and monographs by young researchers as well as conference volumes on central subjects of New Testament research are published. The historical-philological approach as well as the strongly international, exegetical schools of thought and the focus on interdisciplinary subjects is consistent with the "big" series, whose team of editors is also responsible for the scholarly quality of the second series.

The Library of New Testament Studies

Formerly the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement, a book series that explores the many aspects of New Testament study including historical perspectives, social-scientific and literary theory, and theological, cultural and contextual approaches. The Early Christianity in Context series, a part of JSNTS, examines the birth and development of early Christianity up to the end of the third century CE. The series places Christianity in its social, cultural, political and economic context. European Seminar on Christian Origins and Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus Supplement are also part of JSNTS.

Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum

Publishing on: 1. The Jewish people in the First Century: historical geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions; 2. The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud; 3. Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature.

Jewish and Christian Perspectives

Judaism and Christianity share much of a heritage. There has been a good deal of interest in this phenomenon lately, examining both the common heritage, as well as the elements unique to each religion. There has, however, been no systematic attempt to present findings relative to both Jewish and Christian tradition to a broad audience of scholars. It is the purpose of the Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series to do just that.

Jewish and Christian Perspectives publishes studies that are relevant to both Christianity and Judaism. The series will include works relating to the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, the Second Temple period, the Judaeo-Christian polemic (from Ancient until Modern times), Rabbinical literature relevant to Christianity, Patristics, Medieval Studies and the Modern period. Special interest will be paid to the interaction between the  religions throughout the ages. Historical, exegetical, philosophical and theological studies are welcomed as well as studies focusing on sociological and anthropological issues common to  both religions including archaeology.

The series is published in co-operation with the Bar-Ilan University and the Schechter Institute in Israel, and the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Tilburg University in the Netherlands. It includes monographs and congress volumes in the English language, and is intended for international distribution on a scholarly level.

Zeitschrift f?r die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der ?lteren Kirche

A highly reputed journal published since 1900, the Zeitschrift f?r die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft is an international journal for the exegesis of the New Testament and knowledge of the early church (patristics). Appearing annually in two issues of 150 pages each plus supplements, it features original contributions in German, English, and French which have been written by well-known scholars worldwide. By accepting only high quality research papers which advance scholarship, the editors seek to retain the recognizably high niveau of the journal.

Novum Testamentum, Supplements

Supplements to Novum Testamentum publishes monographs and collections of essays

that make original contributions to the field of New Testament studies. This includes text-critical,

philological and exegetical studies, and investigations which seek to situate early Christian texts (both canonical and non-canonical) and theology in the broader context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history, culture, religion and literature.


Society of New Testament Studies Monograph Series

Cambridge is proud of its long-standing arrangement with the Society for New Testament Studies to publish its monograph series. The first title was published in 1965; there are now well over one hundred. Books in the series present specialised research into all aspects of New Testament textual and historical culture, taking a range of approaches. This is widely recognised as the most authoritative and prestigious forum for serious scholarly publication in the area, and series books are highly regarded by biblical scholars the world over.

SBL: Ancient Israel and Its Literature

The Ancient Israel and Its Literature series publishes monographs, revised dissertations, and collections of essays on the history, culture, and literature of ancient Israel and Judah, particularly as these are reflected in or inform our reading of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Works on the social world of the biblical writings, the ancient Near Eastern context in which ancient Israel and Judah originated and lived, biblical or theological themes, or other comparable areas of study will also be considered.

SBL: Ancient Near East Monographs

The focus of this ambitious series is on the ancient Near East, including ancient Israel and its literature, from the early Neolithic to the early Hellenistic eras. Studies that are heavily philological or archaeological are both suited to this series, and can take full advantage of the hypertext capabilities of “born digital” publication. Multiple author and edited volumes as well as monographs are accepted. Proposals and manuscripts may be submitted in either English or Spanish. Manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two scholars in the area before acceptance. Published volumes will be held to the high scholarly standards of the SBL and the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente. The partnership between the SBL and the Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente was initiated under the auspices of SBL’s International Cooperation Initiative (ICI) and represents the type of international scholarly exchange that is the goal of ICI.

SBL: Archaeology and Biblical Studies

Archaeology and Biblical Studies seeks to promote the illumination of the Bible through archaeological, sociological, and historical studies. Preference is given to monographs or collections of essays that make an explicit connection with the Bible, but works illuminating Israelite religion or the culture of biblical peoples are also invited.

SBL: Bible and Women

Until recently, biblical scholarship was often occupied with the emergence of biblical texts, with their authorship and origins, redactors and possible sources. Publications focusing on the reception of the Bible and the history of biblical interpretation were relatively rare. The Bible and Women series is a collaborative, international, project designed to help fill this gap in biblical research.

The twenty-one volumes of The Bible and Women project, to be published simultaneously in German, English, Italian, and Spanish, aim to present a reception history and cultural history of the Bible, focusing on gender-relevant biblical themes, women in the text, and the women who throughout history have read, appropriated, and interpreted the Bible in text and image. At the center of the project stand a number of related interests:

  • female literary figures within the Bible and the reception of such figures within the history of exegesis by male and female interpreters
  • gender-specific social and cultural contexts in the areas and periods in which the biblical books emerged
  • women who interpreted the Bible in particular eras and faith traditions
  • women to whom biblical texts or their interpretation are attributed
  • gender-relevant texts (e.g., legal codes) and themes (e.g., purity/impurity)
  • the treatment of female biblical characters and gender-relevant issues in art

Biblical Encyclopedia

The SBL's Biblical Encyclopedia series will provide English translations of all the volumes in W. Kohlhammer Verlag's Biblische Enzyklop?die series, plus a new overview volume to be published in English (SBL) and German (Kohlhammer) covering the entire biblical period. Each volume in the series thoroughly introduces readers to the latest research for a given biblical epoch by providing (1) a summary of the biblical account of the period in question; (2) a historical reconstruction of the period, based on biblical and extrabiblical evidence; (3) a critical study of the biblical literature deriving from or associated with the period; and (4) theological conclusions that readers may draw from the relevant biblical texts.

SBL: Biblical Scholarship in North America

The Biblical Scholarship in North America series publishes monographs and collected works that explore the scholars, movements, and organizations that have shaped and continue to shape North American biblical scholarship.

SBL: Early Christianity and Its Literature

The Early Christianity and Its Literature series publishes monographs, revised dissertations, and collections of essays on the history, culture, and literature of early Christianity, particularly as these are reflected in or inform our reading of the New Testament. Works on the social world of the biblical writings, the Greco-Roman context in which Christianity originated and lived, biblical or theological themes, or other comparable areas of study will also be considered.

SBL: Early Judaism and Its Literature

The Early Judaism and Its Literature series publishes works on the history, culture, and literature of Second Temple Judaism, including Hellenistic Jewish authors, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Jewish apocrypha and pseudepigrapha. Work on rabbinic literature that deals with Second Temple Judaism will also be considered.

SBL: Global Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship

Volumes in SBL's Global Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship provide a forum for biblical scholars from around the world to share research and to explore emerging methods, tools, and approaches to biblical scholarship with colleagues in the global village. In some cases papers originally presented at SBL International Meetings are collected into a single volume for the benefit of those unable to participate in person.

SBL: History of Biblical Studies

The SBL's History of Biblical Studies series makes available in English translation seminal biblical-studies resources from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that have never before appeared in English in spite of their past and ongoing significance for biblical scholarship. Thus, the series has or will publish significant works by such leading biblical scholars as Julius Wellhausen, Albert Eichhorn, and Sigmund Mowinckel, to name just a few. In addition, the series will also consider the publication of monographs devoted to a history of biblical scholarship and may, in some circumstances, publish translations of more recent works important for the history of biblical studies.

SBL: International Voices in Biblical Studies

Welcome to International Voices in Biblical Studies (Online ISSN 1949-8411), a new online, open-access series that facilitates the distribution of scholarship written in numerous regions of the world well beyond their respective spheres. The series editorial board includes scholars from around the world who solicit and receiv manuscripts for peer review prior to acceptance for publication. The works published in this series will generally be in the area of reception history and criticism and will not be limited to any particular biblical text or historical time frame. Whenever possible, the works will be published in English and the primary language of the author.

SBL: Reprints from Brill, JSOT Press, and Others

To ensure that scholars, students, and others interested in the academic study of the Bible have access to key resources at a reasonable price, the Society of Biblical Literature has embarked on a program of reprinting select works, including many first released by a publisher other than the SBL. Non-SBL titles currently available are listed below according to original series. We also invite reprint recommendations, especially from authors of out-of-print works.

SBL: Resources for Biblical Study

Resources for Biblical Study offers a variety of tools for teaching and research appropriate to biblical studies and cognate fields, including classroom texts, language tools, compilations of key articles in the history of research, collections of essays illustrating methodological issues, and reference works.

SBL: Semeia Studies

Semeia Studies publishes scholarly monographs and collections of essays that represent the best of interdisciplinary biblical studies. Studies employing the methods and perspectives of linguistics, folklore studies, literary criticism, social anthropology, postmodern studies, and other comparable approaches are invited.

SBL: Septuagint and Cognate Studies

Septuagint and Cognate Studies (co-sponsored by the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies) is devoted to the study of the LXX, textual criticism, manuscript witnesses and other versions, as well as its literature, historical milieu, and thought. Cognate studies include the Jewish apocrypha and pseudepigrapha of the Hellenistic period as well as the subsequent development of this literature in Judaism and early Christianity.

SBL: Studia Philonica Annual and Monographs

The single most important source for Second Temple Jewish exegetical traditions is the three commentaries series written by Philo of Alexandria. Wanting to understand Second Temple Judaism more fully, a group of scholars founded the Philo Institute in 1971 to explore those traditions. The following year they began publication of The Studia Philonica as a venue for their research; however, the significance of Philo’s work soon captured the interest of a broader group of scholars and quickly opened the journal’s pages up to all aspects of Philonic studies. Six issues were released from 1972 to 1980 containing twentyfive articles, annual bibliographies, and abstracts of notable publications. The list of contributors is a who’s who in Philonic studies in the 1970s and 1980s.

After a lapse of almost a decade, the journal was revived as The Studia Philonica Annual, which has now been published for over twenty years.The Studia Philonica Annual is a scholarly journal devoted to furthering the study of Hellenistic Judaism, in particular the writings and thought of the Hellenistic-Jewish writer Philo of Alexandria (ca. 15 B.C.E. to ca. 50 C.E.). Each year the Annual publishes the most current Philonic scholarship along with an extensive bibliography that is maintained by David Runia.

SBL: Text-Critical Studies

Text-Critical Studies publishes monographs, reference works, and collections of essays related to the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and closely related works. Individual volumes may investigate methodological issues, individual manuscripts, or selected passages.

SBL: The New Testament in the Greek Fathers

Volumes in The New Testament in the Greek Fathers make available the New Testament text as it is recoverable from the writings of the Greek Fathers. Each volume presents a critically reconstructed text of the New Testament of a given Father and evaluates the data in terms of its reliability and of the relationship of the Father’s text to known textual groups.

SBL: Writings from the Ancient World

Volumes in Writings from the Ancient World provide teachers, literary critics, historians, general readers, and students direct access to key ancient Near Eastern writings that date from the beginning of the Sumerian civilization to the age of Alexander the Great. Volumes typically offer historical and literary background to the writings, the original text and English translation, explanatory or textual notes, and a bibliography.

SBL: Writings from the Ancient World Supplement series

The Writings from the Ancient World Supplement Series publishes monographs, collections of essays, and revised dissertations on authors, texts, and topics pertinent to the Near Eastern world from the beginning of the Sumerian civilization to the age of Alexander. Subjects cover all aspects of Near Eastern culture, including art, architecture, economy, law, religion, society, literature, and history. This series complements the Writings from the Ancient World Series, which is limited to texts and translations. The two series share an editorial board.

SBL: Writings from the Greco-Roman World

Writings from the Greco-Roman World makes available ancient texts from the time of Alexander to Justinian. Volumes, which typically include an introduction, the original text and/or English translation, explanatory or textual notes, a bibliography, and indices, are ideal for both scholars and students of religion, culture, and philosophy in late antiquity.

SBL: Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplement series

The Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplement series publishes monographs, collections of essays, and revised dissertations on authors, texts, and topics pertinent to the Greco-Roman world from the time of Alexander to Justinian. Subjects covered include pagan, Jewish, and Christian authors and writings, as well as all aspects of Greco-Roman culture, including art, the economy, education, law, philosophy, religion, rhetoric, social life, architecture, and values.

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