Bibliographies and Theses
Bibliographic databases for specialist subjects
American Theological Library Association database (ATLA) - ('Subscription access only)
Articles from about 1800 journals and festschriten in Religion and Biblical Studies back to 1949. They also produce very good Old Testament Abstracts and New Testament Abstracts. If your institution has subscribed, this will probably get you there.
Index theologicus (IxTheo) - (Tubingen library)
Articles from festschriten and 600 journals in Religion and Biblical Studies back to 1980.
THEOLDI and Bibliographic Databases (Innsbruck library) - (Insbruck library)
See BILDI for Biblical Studies. Articles from journals and festschriften, searchable. Their Thesaurus is a good structured subject tree. Not as good as ATLA, but better than many other commercial sites, and it's free.
Biblical Bibliography of Lausanne (BiBIL)
Index of all the books, journal articles and contributions to multi-author works in the Lausanne Federation des Facultes de Theologie
Subscription access only.
British Library's Electronic Table of Contents (ZETOC).
About 20,000 journals & 16,000 conferences back to 1993. They will email new article titles in your area. (Includes about 300 Religion journals. Integrates well with EndNote.) Zetoc is available free of charge to any member of a JISC-sponsored UK further or higher education institution and is also available free of charge to the UK Research Councils.
JSTOR currently indexes and (in many cases) links to the full-text of more than 2,000 academic journals across all disciplines, dating back to the first volume ever published, along with thousands of monographs. JSTOR is a suscription service available via IP authentication through the Tyndale House network - but some full-text content is available free-of-charge through their Early Journal Content scheme (out-of-copyright journal articles) and through their Register and Read scheme (you can read any 3 journal articles every fortnight)
GNOMON - Classics articles from 1997.
A cut-down version of their old CD, concentrating on titles from recent years.
AIGYPTOS- A database for Egyptological publications
Includes a one-stop search of other bibliographies at the bottom of the page.
RAMBI - Index of Articles on Jewish Studies
Includes a very useful subject browsing, in Hebrew and English.
Bibliography for Dead Sea Scrolls
ABZU Bibliography Search for ANE
A database of books and electronic resources relating to the ancient Near East, maintined by the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Bibliography
lists of articles & books re Aramaic language
Humanities Citation Index on the "Web of Knowledge" (access by Athens password)
Find the articles and books which cite another article or book.
A subject-classified database of books and articles in the area of Classical Studies .
Theses & Dissertations
American & International Theses from UMI - (ProQuest) with an ''Abstracts Database
Theses from most USA universities & colleges, searchable, with abstracts. Complete theses can be ordered.
African Theses - (subscription)
Theses from 10 leading African universities.
British Theses : Subscription access or EthOS free access
Theses from most UK universities, searchable, with abstracts. Complete theses can be ordered.
Dutch Theses - (access through NARCIS, including open access)
Theses from all Dutch universities. (NARCIS is the main national portal for those looking for information about researchers and their work)
French Theses - (free access)
Theses from all French universities.
German Theses - (free access)
Theses from German universities.
NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations — NDLTD
International amalgamation of Theses searches
Lists of Online Journals
The biggest list of theological journals on the web? (If anything is missing, tell us)
UCalgary directory of electronic journals:
List of lists, and a comprehensive list of electronic journals
Delivers articles free or for fee.
Customized Search Engine for Theology Articles
A Google-powered search within 350 electronic theology journals and magazines
Directory of Open Access Journals
2500 other Periodicals with free access in all subjects