Help for collaborators: technical and informational

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The left-hand sidebar, contains the main subject groups and possibly subgroups. These will link to pages, which can be edited by trusted collaborators. If you think that a new (sub)group should be added, in the sidebar, please contact the moderator.

Once on a page, data is categorized using various levels of headings. This is typically a "librarians job", since librarians tend to be experts at these kind of things. Still, each and everyone of us has a bit of "librarian" in them, so even if you are not a librarian, use common sense and try to categorize as best as possible.

The technical aspect of the wiki is minimal. It aims at a clean interface, without many features, that everyone is able to edit.

Finally, at the bottom of the page another technical aspect is treated that explains how institutions can incorporate biblicalweblinks into their own site.

Informational aspects

Headings and categories

When adding data, please add the data under the right heading and/or subheading(s). The (sub)heading(s) stand for respective categories. Thus, pagename is the main category (which itself is part of an overarching (sub)group, which is found in the sidebar). Heading 2, 3, 4 are respectively sub, sub-sub, sub-sub-sub categories.

For example:

  • Biblical Studies (overarching group {sidebar})
    • Background (overarching subgroup  {sidebar})
      • Jewish & Rabbinic Background (main category  {sidebar/page})
        • Commentary (sub category {heading 2 on page}) -- modyfiable by collaborators
          • On the Talmud (sub-sub category  {heading 3 on page}) -- modyfiable by collaborators

A few notes:

  1. If for some reason, you are unable to categorize an item, but are certain it belongs to a particular category you should place it under miscellaneous. If this subcategory does not exist yet, you should create it first
  2. If you believe that a (overarching) group, is missing from the sidebar, then please contact the moderator.


Sometimes an entry is valid in two places. It is best to then place one entry in the most appropriate location and then place a reference to that location in the other location.

Main Groups being used

As of the closing of 2012, the following overarching groups (which are found in the sidebar) are being used. It is important to take note of this.

  • Bible
  • Biblical Studies
  • Beyond Biblical Studies
  • Literature
  • Software and Web apps
  • Writing & Publishing
  • Other Web Portals

It is important to note that anything literaturewise such as eBooks and eArticles will primarily go under the section literature. Other non-literature links should go into the other categories. Thus a distinction exists between non-literature links and literature links.

Technical aspects

Observe the following example of three consecutive weblinks.

Example of three weblinks:

MyWebLink1 - Very short remark (optional and hardly ever used)

Description of this MyWeblink1


Description of this MyWeblink2


Description of this MyWeblink3

Formal Syntax: what does a weblink look like?

In short, a weblink consists of the link itself and is preferably followed by a description on the next line.

Mandatory fields:

  1. WebLink, which concists of:
    1. link-address: which is a valid link-address. You can insert it using the chain sign in the page-editor, or alternatively using html <a href="my link-address"></a>
    2. title: which is the title of the link. You can insert it using the chain sign in the page-editor, or alternative using html <a href="my link-address">MYTITLE</a>
  2. Blank line (1st): this follows the weblink
  3. Description of this weblink (normal text, one line below the weblink, indented)
  4. Blank line (2nd):this follows the description. It should always be there, even if it is followed by a new (sub)heading for a next category.

Optional fields:

  1. Very short remark (normal text, ususally in italics, after the weblink, which is NOT part of the weblink)

Informal Syntax: a pragmatic weblink?

Here follows a howto description of  a weblink.

  • go to a new line<press enter>
  • insert a link <use the "chain button" above your editor>
  • go to the next line <press enter>
  • type a description about the link
  • finish by going to the next line <press enter>

Still challenging?

If this sounds challenging to you, it is perhaps best to simply copy another weblink and edit it.

Incorporating biblicalweblinks into your institution's site

Citing from the patners' page:

Add these resources into your own website.  

This Biblical Weblink wiki can become part of your own website, with your own logo and additional links.

  • you can create your own entrance page, with links to the subjects most important for you
  • you can become a Collaborator, who can edit the pages, adding links and descriptions
  • optionally, the whole site can be put inside your own frame so that it is truly part of your site

This is a new project and we are looking for partner institutions to work with. 

See the example entrance page for Tyndale House in a full window, or see it inside a frame

- please request your own entrance page: contact the moderator

Once you requested your own entrance page, you will--after having been approved--receive a exclusive link for your institution. The next heading discusses how to incorporate biblicalweblinks into your institution's site.

Howto incorporate biblicalweblinks into your institution's site?

Open the exclusive link for your institution that you received from the moderator. This will probably be the home page for your institution's patrons, when you refer them to biblicalweblinks. Hence, it is recommended that you provide them here with relevant information as to how biblicalweblinks will be relevant to them. You may of course, place any other relevant information on this page as well.

Once you set up your institution's exclusive page on biblicalweblinks with appropriate content you will want to link to this page. We will suggest two options. First, you can open your biblicalweblinks entrance page in a full window, or inside a frame. Descriptions of both follow.

Full window

A normal link opens a page in the current window and will use the whole window for biblicalweblinks. One can even be more specific by using the "target" attribute of the "a" tag in html.

You may not know html, but as long as you can create a link on your institution's site, you should simply add a link to your biblicalweblinks entrance page and you are set.

If you do know html, see here:

an example, opening Biblical Weblinks in a new window:

<a href="" target="_blank">Biblical Weblinks</a>

and an example, opening Biblical Weblinks in the current window:

<a href="" target="_self">Biblical Weblinks</a>

Inside a frame

One needs to know html and work with frames to complete this step.

You will then specify your biblicalweblinks entrance page as one of the frames. So let's assume your entrance page is then you'd specify:

<frame src="">

Citing and adjusting an example of the w3 schools page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"




<TITLE>A simple frameset document</TITLE>


<FRAMESET cols="20%, 80%">

  <FRAMESET rows="100, 200">

      <FRAME src="contents_of_frame1.html">

      <FRAME src="contents_of_frame2.gif">


  <FRAME src="">


      <P>This frameset document contains:


         <LI><A href="contents_of_frame1.html">Some neat contents</A>

         <LI><IMG src="contents_of_frame2.gif" alt="A neat image">

         <LI><A href="contents_of_frame3.html">Some other neat contents</A>





If  you need any further help, please contact the moderator.