Add these resources into your own website.
This Biblical Weblink wiki can become part of your own website, with your own logo and additional links.
- you can create your own entrance page, with links to the subjects most important for you
- you can become a Collaborator, who can edit the pages, adding links and descriptions
- optionally, the whole site can be put inside your own frame so that it is truly part of your site
This is a new project and we are looking for partner institutions to work with.
See the example entrance page for Tyndale House in a full window, or see it inside a frame. You can simply create your own entrance page on this wiki, provided you populate it with content in the spirit of this wiki.
We are typically, though not exclusively, looking for librarians or faculty, who wish to incorporate this rich resource into their institution's site.
We are also looking for individuals, again typically, though not exclusively, librarians, academics, clergy, or students (doing Biblical Studies or a related field), who wish to contribute to this wiki. Please create an account or login (at the top of the screen) to become a Contributor to this wiki. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated, to keep this wiki up-to-date, with the latest links, proper descriptions, filtering out dead links, rightly categorizing the links and more.